Designed with Perfection by Heel & Buckle
High heels are fashionable, but uncomfortable, and can even lead to chronic foot damage. At first glance, it doesn't make sense to favor footwear which harm and hurt feet, plus render it difficult to run from ancient and modern predators.
But if wearing high heels makes women
more attractive, allowing them to be choosier over a larger number of higher
quality males competing for their attention, this could explain the
evolutionary advantages of this fashion statement.
As women
normally walk differently from men, high heels may help exaggerate the
particularly feminine aspects of gait. What these shoes do is make women walk
even more like women.
Women love heels because they can transform your outfit and lift
your mood. It’s a confidence thing – the same feeling as when you have a new
haircut. You feel good about your look. Because shoes are accessories, we dare
to try styles that are more decorative and expressive than we might with
clothes. Heel & Buckle has variety of high heels, in fact there is a
collection of new designer heels for women which is exciting!
The leather strap shoe is one of
the most enduring footwear styles of all time. Classy yet fashionable, they can
be slipped on and off and are perfect for the lace-adverse gentleman. The
finely crafted nature of the strap lends it a dash of formality with a
sophisticated note. Meanwhile, the straps themselves add a tone of playfulness
to any outfit.
These leather strap shoes for
men emerged into society during the 20th century, undergoing a few
stylistic changes. However, it wasn’t until the mid-2000s that the footwear
item entered the fashion world’s collective consciousness. Today, the monk
strap is known as a savvy dress shoe, almost entirely ditching its manual labor
How to Wear leather Straps Tips
For business or formal attire, the
cleaner silhouette of the single monk strap works best.
Opt for double monk straps for a
fun party or relaxed wedding look
Make a statement with monk strap
shoes in colors like forest green, oxblood, mustard yellow, and deep blue.
Save black leather single monk
straps for black tie dress codes paired with a black suit, Oxford shirt, and
When teaming monk strap shoes with shorts,
don’t wear socks.
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